Wednesday 29 August 2012

Lessons from: The Painted Veil

I don't know how I came across the movie but I would not forget the lessons it has taught me. Sometimes, movies become much more that just an entertaining venture, they stir the feelings we might have buried deep down inside in our hearts.
The movie was quite perfect. I loved they way it was executed. Edward Norton is one of my favorite actors and I was not familiar with Naomi Watts until I saw this one. She certainly is a good actress and a charming one.
Things I learnt:
  • We should give people a chance, we should never jump on conclusions immediately. It takes time to understand people, they are certainly more complex than simple microbes.
  • Making serious mistakes in relationships hurts. Their might not be flaming feelings but there always exists hope and expectation. Ruining them hurts very much.
  • Human beings are prone to make mistakes. The wisdom lies in forgiving, forgetting and moving on. Lingering upon misapprehensions gives nothing.
  • Helping humanity gives the greatest pleasure. The smile upon a helpless face can lessen the fear of death.
  • Some things are better buried in the heart and unsaid.
  • China is a remarkably beautiful country.
What do you think, anything I missed?

1 comment:

  1. trust is the foundation of any relationship...a very fragile foundation!
