Friday 7 September 2012

An Infographic: Elizabeth (1998)

The era of the Tudors has become my favorite of the British History. It has all the elements: drama, romance, subversiveness and mystery.
I watched the BBC series The Tudors and then I automatically became interested in everything Tudor!
The most famous Tudor king Henry VIII of England is famous for his six disastrous marriages. He went out of the way to get rid of older wives and get new ones! All this craving was to get a male heir which he eventually got from the third marriage. But the irony in this situation is that the son he longed for so desperately was no good and ruled for a very short time! And the actual Tudor ruler who made a mark was a daughter. Elizabeth ruled for 44 years in the male dominated world! An even funnier thing is that the father (Henry VIII) spent a lustful life and put his kingdom in an upheaval(the religious turmoil) just to get his marriage annulled but his daughter(Elizabeth I) gave up personal life, never married and died a maid for the sake of her throne, power and kingdom! There is a drastic contrast and that makes this era so interesting!

Anyway, the movies and dramas are most inaccurate and have been heavily criticized for this. The producers claim that they are for the purpose of entertainment and not a history lecture. Well, they serve the purpose well and are quite entertaining!
The movie starts with young pretty Lady Elizabeth, she has been deprived of her title of Princess as she is considered illegitimate.
Elizabeth is childhood friends with Lord Robert Dudley. With the passage of time, they become quite close.
Elizabeth is coronated Queen after the death of her half-sister Queen Mary. She is 25 and quite clueless!
Elizabeth is devastated as a military encounter has resulted in massacre and deaths of many innocent citizens.
Elizabeth is working hard; here she rehearses the speech she is going to deliver to the Parliament.
A warm moment between the Queen and Lord Dudley. Elizabeth cannot marry him as he is already married. Some people consider them lovers but there is no proof till this date. When she comes to know of his marriage, she banishes him from court and her life.
Elizabeth is never without a danger. Here she closely misses death!
Here Elizabeth decides to take charge of her life and her rule.
I loved her dress, take a look in detail!
Elizabeth understands that she needs the heart of a MAN to become a great ruler. She gives up being a woman and that includes her illustrious hair!
And hence the great Elizabeth I of England, that we know today, is born!

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